I’ve created a daily planner printable you’ll want to use along with our #abidein2017 series and book! And here’s my favorite part:

Focus on Fifteen

I believe there are fifteen minutes in your day that are the most important. They break down to three, five-minute segments. For me it includes when I take my boys to school, when I pick them up from school, and when my husband gets home from work.

I want to be fully present in these moments, focused on them and setting the tone for what comes next.

Your fifteen minutes could be when you wake up your kids, when you sit down for dinner together, and when you tuck them in. Or it could include when you get to work, when you begin your homeschool day, or when you chat with your husband on his lunch break. In this section on my sheet, I write down a word or idea I want to focus on during that time. On the way to school I might want to encourage my older son to be brave that day, so I write down “brave.” On the way home I may want to remember to ask about his spelling test, so I jot down “sp test.” When my husband gets home I may want to write down “kiss” so I remember to really connect with him.

Sign up for my #abidein2017 newsletter and get the printable so you can use this space to focus your mind on what’s most important during the most important fifteen minutes of your day!

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