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Being a special-needs parent can feel lonely.

Sandra provides support and encouragement for special-needs parents so they know they aren’t alone on this journey.


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As a special-needs mom and sibling (her son has autism and her sister has Down syndrome), she knows the challenges and blessings of being in a special-needs family. When you subscribe, you’ll get her blog posts delivered right to your inbox (Sandra publishes new content once a week). You’ll also get updates about her upcoming book project and speaking schedule.

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30 Prayers for Special Needs Parents cover

When you subscribe, you’ll receive an email with a link to download 30 Prayers for Special-Needs Parents.

Written by the Not Alone ( blogging team and friends, this book covers topics important to special-needs parents, like waiting for a diagnosis, wanting a friend who “gets it,” and missing milestones. Contributing authors include a verse from Psalms or Proverbs, a devotion, and a prayer on each topic.

Includes devotions and prayers from: Kelli Anderson, Lorna Bradley, Kathleen Deyer Bolduc, Sarah Broady, Faith Clarke, Jeff Davidson, Shannon Dingle, Barbara K. Dittrich, Mike Dobes, Cindi Ferrini, Caroline Flory, Ann Holmes, Jennifer A. Janes, Sandra Peoples, and Debbie Sutherland.