(Originally written in 2013)

We walked up to the registration area for the children’s classes last Sunday at the church we were visiting with our boys. The woman there asked questions to figure out where the boys should go and typed the answers into her computer.

“What are their names? When are their birthdays? Do they have any allergies?”

The questions were easy to answer for our oldest son, but our younger son took more explanation. His birthday does not represent his developmental stage. The computer doesn’t take into account all the variables that would tell the woman where he should go. “Can I type in that he was born in a different year? Would that work?” she asked.

Visiting a New Church with Your Special-Needs Child - sandrapeoples.com

I’ve read that based on the 2000 census, two out of every seven families in the US have a family member with special needs (ranging from autism to Alzheimer’s). I’ve also read that 90% of families with a member with special needs do not attend church. That is a huge “people group” who aren’t being reached.Churches must be able to meet the special needs these families have before they will be able to address the spiritual needs. From what I’m seeing and hearing in the special needs community, churches are working hard to make sure people with special needs are comfortable and safe. I’m thankful for websites like The Works of God Displayed , Key Ministry, and The Inclusive Church that are equipping churches of all sizes to be more inclusive.

Churches have a responsibility to meet the special needs of families, and these families also need to take steps to let churches know how they can help.

Here are a few steps we take when visiting a new church so it’s easy for everyone:

  • Call or email the church ahead of time to find out who is in charge of children’s ministry. I use language like, “We will be visiting your church Sunday and have a child with special needs. Who can we contact to make sure our visit is as comfortable as possible for him?”
  • Contact that person directly to let him/her know your family is coming and what your needs are. It allows that person to contact the teachers or volunteers who will be with your child so they can prepare. For example, if your child has an wheat allergy, they can get the pretzel snacks out of the room before you arrive. Also, if your child is older, he may not want to hear his special needs explained in front of him to multiple people. Doing this ahead of time will save him embarrassment.
  • Get to church early enough to know where to go and meet with the person you contacted, if necessary.
  • Bring anything your child will need, including special snacks or sensory toys. I packed James’s back-pack with diapers, extra clothes, and his chewy-tubes.
  • Be honest. Don’t let embarrassment or nervousness keep you from telling those who will be caring for your children what they need to know.

The church we visited did a wonderful job making us feel comfortable and taking care of James. When I picked him up after the service, the teacher in his class asked, “He loves to be tickled, doesn’t he?” I appreciated that they got to know him and weren’t afraid of his lack of communication or special needs!

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