It’s time to flip the page on the calendar again! Can you believe in just two short months we’ll be in 2014? November and December always go so quickly. I’m thankful for the slowly changing leaves and weather that’s getting gradually colder. They remind me to slow down too.
Here’s what I learned in October!
I figured out how to use our library’s audio book app! Yay! First up was The Sorcerer’s Stone with my big boy. He loved it, but we’ll be taking it slow through the series. He got the How to Train Your Dragon books for his birthday and we’re excited to start those together!
- I downloaded some of my favorite songs from back in my youth group days but I wasn’t the only one feeling nostalgic this month. Relevant featured 10 CCM Songs of the 90s That Still Hold Up. Our lists featured many of the same bands, but they did leave off one of my favorite groups—Big Tent Revival.
- I started the month undefeated in our fantasy football league. I’m ending the month, um, not still undefeated. I benched Andrew Luck one week and my first place dreams sat on the bench with him. Here’s hoping he does well enough from here on out to get me into our league’s playoffs!
- Remember the woman who sued McDonald’s because her coffee was too hot? I watched this piece by The New York Times about what really happened, how the media and even politicians overreacted, and how she suffered from not only the burns, but also the ridicule. A good reminder that sometimes we don’t get the entire story.
- God uses all we offer for His glory. It’s amazing really. There’s not a gift, talent, skill, or personality trait that goes to waste. My small group talked about that this month as we read through Jen Hatmaker’s 7. Like shoes? Serve through Sole Hope. Have a lot of old prom dresses and bridesmaids dresses? Find a place in your area to donate them. Have a lot of people talking about how good your BBQ is? Make enough to feed 200 people and sell it to raise money for your adoption. (We’re really doing that one this weekend. Would appreciate your prayers. Want to see how it goes? Connect with me on Facebook or Instagram!)
- James is in the best possible class for him. I had his IEP this week and met with his teacher and therapists. They really care for him and want to see him gain language and self-help skills. I’m thankful we started behavioral therapy soon after his autism diagnosis. I’m thankful his teacher follows the behavioral therapy model. We speak the same language (mands, tacts, prompts …) and have the same goals. Of all the neighborhoods we could have moved into, we are in the one closest to the school that best meets his needs. Thanking God for that gift.
- It’s a good thing The Nester’s 31 Days series only comes around once a year. I did 31 Days of Books for Writers on my editing site and had lots of fun, but am looking forward to going to bed not thinking about whether or not I wrote a post.