- Treasuring God in Our Traditions by Noel Piper
- The Well Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home by Susan Wise Bauer (selected chapters)
- Smooth and Easy Days e-book from Simply Charlotte Mason (link to book)
- From Clutter to Clarity: Simplifying Life from the Inside Out by Nancy Twigg
- A Praying Life by Paul A. Miller
- Disciplines of a Godly Family by Kent and Barbara Hughes
- Bringing up Boys by James Dobson
- In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto by Michael Pollan
- The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer
- Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
- Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott
- Linchpin by Seth Godin
- The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
- Steady Days by Jamie Martin
- From One Ministry Wife to Another by Susie Hawkins
- Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
- Valley of Vision by Arthur G. Bennett (selected prayers)
- War of Words by Paul David Tripp (selected chapters)
- Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt
- Scouting the Divine: My Search for God in Wine, Wool, and Honey by Margaret Feinberg
- Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild by Mary Kassian
- Ordinary Mom, Extraordinary God by DeMuth
- Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer (partial draft novel)
- Radical Homemakers by Hayes
- Sacred Influence by Thomas
- A Woman’s Guide to Personal Discipline by Rhonda H. Kelley
- Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
- The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer
- One Million Arrows by Julie Ferwerda
- The Faithful Parent by Peace & Scott
- Hello, I Love You: Adventures in Adoptive Fatherhood by Ted Kluck
- The Edge of the Divine by Sandi Patty
- Through His Eyes: God’s Perspective on Women in the Bible by Barrs (selected chapters)
- The Out-of-Sync Child by Kranowitz
- The Strong-Willed Child by Dr. James Dobson
- Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert
- Living by the Book by Hendricks (selected chapters)
- Lectio Divina by Paintner and Wynkoop (selected chapters)
- The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun by Carol Kranowitz
- The Autism Book by Sears
- Not My Boy by Rodney Peete
- By His Wounds You Are Healed Study of Ephesians by Wendy Alsup (with my Sunday School class)
- Healing and Preventing Autism by McCarthy & Kartzinel
- Eat This Book by Eugene Peterson
- Ten Things Every Minister’s Wife Should Know by Jeana Floyd
- The Prodigal God by Tim Keller
- Tell Your Time e-book by Amy Lynne Andrews
- Grace Eventually by Anne Lamott
- Raising a Sensory Smart Child by Biel and Peske
- The Verbal Behavior Approach by Barbera & Rasmussen
- The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges
- Dancing with My Father by Sally Clarkson
- Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys by James & Thomas