For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. 1 Cor. 14:33a
There are times on this special-needs parenting journey that are confusing. When we first hear the diagnosis, it can be like learning a new language. When we transition to school, it’s confusing again—what is the best option for my child? Each new stage brings confusion with all the opinions and theories about what we should do.
Life can be confusing for our kids too as they try to make sense of situations where their senses are overloaded or the social cues aren’t clear. New places and faces can be confusing and cause anxiety.
But when I stop to think about this verse, I know confusion is not from God. He doesn’t want the best choices for our families to be mysteries. He makes the path clear. He brings knowledge and experts. And when I’m still not feeling that sense of peace, I follow my mom’s #1 piece of advice to special-needs parents—trust your gut. God guides our guts. 🙂
God, we ask for Your peace in our confusion.