“Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” Mark 5:19
When special-needs parents get together, I love that we quickly cut through the small talk and get right into heart talk. We can go from “Hi, how are you?” to crying and hugging in record setting time. But sometimes I’m afraid we focus too much on the hard stuff. It bonds us together, but does it point us to Christ?
In Mark 5, Jesus healed a man who had been tormented by demons and then instructed him to go home and tell others what Jesus had done for him. When he shared his story, did he talk about how awful his life was for five minutes and then add in the last fifteen seconds, “Oh, and then I meet Jesus and He had mercy on me”? I doubt it. He didn’t want to focus on the hard parts of his story because everyone has those. But not everyone has the hope in Christ that we have. Not everyone knows that God redeems our suffering and struggles.
What do others need to hear most? What the Lord has done for you and your children! Your lives and your words bring glory to Him!
Help us to remember Your mercies and tell others about Your great deeds.