How Caregiving Families Can Prepare for Emergencies and Epidemics // Ep. 15

How Caregiving Families Can Prepare for Emergencies and Epidemics // Ep. 15

  Today we’re taking a few minutes to talk about how caregiving families can prepare for emergencies and epidemics. I’m going to draw on our experience with Hurricane Harvey a couple years ago and the lessons I learned then that I still apply today. And like in the aftermath of Harvey, I’m praying this worldwide…

How Decision Fatigue Leads to Caregiver Burnout and a Plan to Eliminate It //Ep. 006
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How Decision Fatigue Leads to Caregiver Burnout and a Plan to Eliminate It //Ep. 006

  Today’s topic is a big one—decision fatigue. Have you heard the phrase before? Whether it’s a new concept to you or one you’re very familiar with, I hope today’s episode makes your life as a caregiver easier. This month I’m going over 4 topics that I think are the most important for us. Last…