OK Baptist
Thank you for joining me for the Oklahoma Baptist Community 94 discussion on inclusion in children’s ministry! Below you will find a link to the slides I presented and to resources I mentioned.
Thank you for joining me for the Oklahoma Baptist Community 94 discussion on inclusion in children’s ministry! Below you will find a link to the slides I presented and to resources I mentioned.
Thank you for joining me at ETCH! Below are links to the slides from my breakout sessions and to resources I mentioned in the sessions and during our Q&A time. Thank you for your interest in becoming a more accessible church for disability families! The steps you take can impact families for generations. I’m praying…
Thanks for joining me for the Faith Inclusion Network’s webinar, Starting & Maintaining a Disability Ministry (Sept. 2024). Below you’ll find a link to the slides I presented as well as helpful links!
Thank you for joining me for Equip! Here are links to the slides I presented and other resources we discussed.
Thanks for attending one of my sessions at Heart of the Child! Here are links to the slides I presented: And here are other helpful links that I mentioned in our sessions: Feel free to reach out with questions! speoples@sbtexas.com
How to Train and Equip Volunteers to Support Students with Additional Needs and How to Connect and Minister to Their Families It was wonderful to be with you at Metro this year! I hope your time there was enjoyable and productive. Here are the resources I mentioned in my session: Feel free to reach out…