I’ve been feeling restless lately. I blame it on the cold weather, being sick for most of January, the adoption process taking so much longer than we anticipated, and not traveling anywhere lately because we’ve put it all on hold for the aforementioned adoption.
My recent restlessness caused me to get a {fake} nose ring. Now I wake up each morning and think, “Am I going anywhere I want to wear my nose ring? Do I want to go somewhere I would want to wear my nose ring?” You may think your face looks fine without any new accessories, but if you’re feeling restless too, here are some more ideas:
Read a new book. I always go for fiction when I’m feeling restless. I like to join someone else’s adventures.
- Get a new hair cut.
- Go to a new restaurant. Lee and I decided to try a local place last weekend where my eyebrow ring (and any body art we may have) was more than welcome. It was delicious.
- Try a new hobby with your husband or a friend.
- Make a new friend. Last week when my son was doing therapy, I talked to the other moms in the waiting room! I know to you extroverts, that’s no big deal. But it is for me.
- Start reading a new blog.
- Find a new recipe. We tried brussel sprouts for the first time this week!
- Buy new shoes.
- Play with the kids at a new park. A few summers ago the boys and I visited a new park every week! We found a new favorite and a few won’t ever visit again.
- Develop a new exercise routine.
- Take a new class. This week I took an online class with Stephanie Bryant via The Influence Network. I really enjoyed it and am excited to apply what I learned.
- Meet a new neighbor.
- Visit a new grocery store. Trader Joe’s always helps me get out of a rut.
- Volunteer for a new ministry at church.
1 Timothy 6:6 tells us, “godliness with contentment is great gain,” and of course I agree. I’m very content with life in general. But I do think sometimes God puts a stirring in your spirit; He gives you a push to do something new. Use your restlessness to do something just a little outside your comfort zone. That’s where we learn. Even if the lesson is “I don’t really like sushi.”
(Now, please pray with me that we get the adoption referral call soon. I’d rather cure my restlessness with a trip to Africa than a tattoo.)