After auditioning, getting a part, and weeks of rehearsals, David’s first play’s opening weekend finally arrived. He was featured in a local theatre’s production of Dr. DoLittle. He played the parts of a lion cub and a boy named Larry. All his hard work paid off and he did a great job. Here are a few pictures …

(his headshot)
(In the Africa scene with his lion parents. Dr. DoLittle treats him for a stomach ache.)
(One of his favorite parts of the circus scene–a food fight!)
Here are some of the ways we saw him grow through this experience:
- David is empathetic. He notices small changes in moods and facial expressions. This helped him understand how the characters he plays would be feeling. On the way home one night he explained to me that another actor was delivering her lines with “rage” but David felt it should be more like curiosity. 🙂
- David doesn’t get stage fright. That may come from watching Dad preach in front of a crowd each week. He has no trouble speaking in front of people or even praying. I think Lee and I were more nervous for him than he was for himself. He did tell me he just pretended the audience was just Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Â Paw-Paw, Nana, and Grandad.
- David is an introvert (an INFJ actually), so he needed recovery time from being around people, but he still loved being around his cast mates. I was especially glad we homeschool so he could sleep in after late-night rehearsals and he could have some quiet time to recharge.
- David was around people of different ages, which was one of my favorite things about this experience for him. He was one of the youngest performers, which was hard on him at times (like when he had to tie his shoes quickly between scenes or write down blocking instructions), but he also learned from working together with kids and adults.
- David learned decisions have benefits and consequences. When he got this part and we looked over the rehearsal schedule, we realized he wouldn’t be able to play baseball. He would miss his best friend’s birthday party. He would be late for the Awana Grand Prix and award ceremony. But, he made a commitment to this and he had to see it through. Saying yes to one thing means saying no to other things, and that’s a lesson he’ll keep learning as he grows.
David has four more shows over the coming two weekends, so there will be more lessons to learn (like how not to look bored on stage even though you are because you’ve done this scene so many times). And he wants to audition for more parts soon (although we plan to take a break when Joel gets home since the rehearsal schedule was hard on everyone and we need things as consistent as possible as we adjust to being a family of five). We’re so glad he’s found something he loves and gets excited about doing. We are looking forward to him continuing gain skills and use his gifts!
(Proud Mom and Dad with our star!)