This is episode 054, and we’re talking about where we get stuck in completing our goals. Sometimes I get stuck setting a goal. Sometimes I get stuck in the middle. And sometimes I get stuck right before the end of a project. Let’s talk about the reasons we get stuck and how we can push through to get things done.

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Hi friends, this is Self-Care and Soul Care for the Caregiver, and I’m your host Sandra Peoples. To us, self-care isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. We need to take better care of ourselves so we can care for those God has entrusted to us.

This is episode 054, and we’re talking about where we get stuck in completing our goals. Sometimes I get stuck setting a goal. Sometimes I get stuck in the middle. And sometimes I get stuck right before the end of a project. Let’s talk about the reasons we stuck and how we can push through to get things done.

Let’s jump right in by talking about getting stuck when we’re trying to set a goal.

Here are the reasons you’re struggling to set a goal: you can’t narrow it down, you’re listening to too many voices, you can’t get motivated to do anything, past failure is holding you back (teaching James to read, Kim, LOMAH podcast), you don’t know how to track the goal, you aren’t sure if the goal is right/best, waiting for perfect conditions (finding excuses)

If this is where you feel stuck, here’s a list of solutions: take the pressure off yourself, listen to one voice (Stop Collecting Gurus, Next Right Thing ep. 32 from Emily Freeman), figure out your why for setting the goal, establish habit triggers

Maybe you get stuck in the messy middle. There are lots of good reasons for that as well! It’s harder than you thought, the payoff isn’t as high as you hoped, you can’t stay motivated (Tiffany text 8,000 projects at the same time, the house is a mess, want to read a book), an outside influence you didn’t expect (twist an ankle when you had set a step count goal), no one is noticing/appreciating your progress, you were unrealistic about the goal you set

The good news is there are solutions for getting stuck in the messy middle: figure out if your motivation comes from within or without (Gretchen Rubin’s four tendencies: Upholders want to know what should be done, Questioners want justifications, Obligers need accountability, Rebels want freedom to do something their own way) remember that who you are becoming is more important that was you are accomplishing, break it down into smaller steps, ask for help

And finally, maybe you get stuck at the end. It may sound weird to get stuck when most of the work is done, but it happens! I think it’s especially common in creative work. The reasons may include: you keep editing, you’re afraid to share it with the world (criticism), you don’t know what you’ll do next

Here are the solutions I’ve come up with when I get stuck at the end: set a deadline, plan a celebration, be accountable to someone else.

I know we’re talking a lot about doing today. And it can feel overwhelming. But the truth is every day there are things we have to get done. And knowing ourselves and our tendencies better will help us get those things done.

When I feel overwhelmed, one of my favorite verses to rest in is Philippians 1:6 “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” We can figure out if our motivation comes from within or without or we can create habit triggers throughout our entire day, but above all we can rest in the truth that God is at work in us to get us to the goal He has for us—making us more like Christ. And everything we do is part of the process. Let’s pray together as we wrap up our time:

God, way back in the Garden, Adam and Eve were called to cultivate the land and care for creation. They were called to productivity—being fruitful and multiplying. And just like You were with them as they worked, You are with us as well. You give us the gifts of wisdom to help us set the right goals. You bless us with time and energy to get done what you called us to do. And You even set the example for us of rest and celebration. Thank You for working in our lives to help us grow in godliness. Help us today, God, as we need Your discernment moving forward on our own goals. In Jesus’s name, amen.

Friends, with all this talk on productivity, I’m thinking about Jesus and the pressure He felt or didn’t feel about meeting His goals. He waited almost 30 years to begin His ministry work, but never seemed rushed to get things done or unmotivated to fulfill His calling. I think we can learn a lot from Him and the patterns we read about in His life. Next week let’s look closer at the practice of the Sabbath, a rhythm of rest and celebration that balances out our work. Make sure you’ve subscribed to this podcast so it will show up in your app next Monday morning! And share this episode with a friend if you think it would be helpful!

I’m praying for you this week as you set your priorities, work toward you goals, and abide in Christ through it all.

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