Every few months the ladies of my Sunday school class have to pick what we’re going to study next. Sometimes it’s hard to choose! Walking into a book store or browsing online can be overwhelming.
How do we choose books and Bible study tools that will encourage our women to grow in godliness? We must evaluate the curriculum based not on the popularity of the author or attractiveness of the cover, but we must evaluate it in light of Scripture.

When you are looking for Bible or book studies, ask yourself these questions:
1. Is the book biblically-based?
There are many books out there that may be helpful to our lives, marriages, families, and ministries. But only Scripture has the power to change lives and encourage growth in godliness. If you are using this book to bring about spiritual growth and true change, it must be biblically based. Scripture must be more important than experience, emotion, and opinion.
It is important that the books you choose reflect and teach the same ideas your church believes.
3. Who is the author and what are his/her sources?
4. Will the format of this book work for us?
5. What are the needs of our group?