I don’t know if it’s possible to cram more into one month than we did in August! We moved into our new house, Lee started a new job (and had to take an insurance license exam that he studied for every night), James started school, I was in North Carolina for a few days, David auditioned for a play, and we started getting to know our new church on Sunday mornings, in our community group, and on a retreat with the community group leaders. It was certainly a month of figuring out new relationships and new dynamics in existing relationships (I haven’t lived this close to my parents and sisters since I was 17 and in high school!).
Here are a few things I learned in August …
- The PG-13 rating didn’t exist until July 1st, 1984, when I was five years old. Which is probably the reason I remember watching movies as a kid that I would not let David watch now, even though he’s almost ten (like Ghostbusters, which released June 8, 1984). I’m sure it took a while to figure out the qualifications for newly-rated PG-13 movies, because Goonies released June 7, 1985 and I would consider that closer to PG-13 than PG.
- August 9th is Book Lovers Day. It was such a fun hashtag to follow on Instagram. This year it was on a Sunday, so we all took time to read a little more than usual and talk about our favorite books.
- Lee can handle the first day of school. With a list. I was in North Carolina on the first day of school and missed it. Since James is at a new school, there were a lot of details not worked out yet (like transportation, which actually still isn’t worked out!). Lee and my mom did a great job handling everything the first few days. I did have to remind Lee to take pictures on the first day. He said he honestly wouldn’t have thought of it if I hadn’t said anything! That’s so funny to me since I take so many pictures!
- The kitchen cabinets are a great place to put books. In Pennsylvania, we had built in book shelves at home and at Lee’s office. We very quickly ran out of room on the two book shelves we now have (which were actually kitchen racks in PA). But we have kitchen cabinet shelves I can’t reach without a stool and it turns out they are the perfect place for Lee’s extra books (he’s selling a bunch on half.com).

- I’m learning a lot about what church looks like and what we want our plant to look like. The church we are attending here is very different from our church in PA (and different from the traditional models I’ve always been part of). The men who lead it are some of the most humble and gracious men I’ve been around, which is wonderful. Lee doesn’t have the ministry load he’s had for the last twelve years of being the head pastor, so we are on the receiving end of so much love, encouragement, and even patience as they teach us what their church model is and why it’s different.
- I’m re-learning how to study the Bible without the goal of teaching the Bible. I miss teaching each week and being with the ladies of my Sunday school class and small group so much. I loved sharing how God was using His Word in each of our lives. But I’m in a season of personal reflection and study. It takes more discipline, more listening, and fewer spoken words. This lesson may make the “what I’m learning” list for months to come!
Head over to Emily’s site to read what others learned in August!