“… teach me what I do not see …” Job 34:32a
I love this verse from Job because it applies to my life in so many ways.
Teach me what I don’t see because I’m not taking the time to slow down and really look. Teach me what I don’t see because I’ve got my own agenda for the day and haven’t asked God what His plans for me might be. Teach me what I don’t see because I’m trying to take it all in from my perspective and not from James’s perspective.
It applies to our kids too! They can’t always see because they are overwhelmed by sensory overload. Or their anxiety is too strong. Or they are in pain and can’t communicate that with us. Or they can’t see because the social cues are not clear to them.
Today God, open my eyes in new ways! Open James’s eyes in new ways!
God, teach us what we do not see.