I gives books as gifts for just about any occasion and giving books to new brides is fun because there’s so much to learn during the big transition from singleness to marriage! Here are six of my recommended books for new brides: (affiliate links included)
- Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot – A collection of letters to her daughter, this book has been around for decades. I appreciate Mrs. Elliot’s humor and honesty. Her chapter on not expecting men to act or think like women was especially helpful (for example, they are bigger, so they are going to use more soap in the shower and leave the towels wetter than you will. And they probably won’t be able to master the towel tri-fold, not matter how much nagging you do).
- A Wife after God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George – George goes through twelve things that really matter in your marriage, like communication and respect. She writes with experience to encourage you to follow God’s plan for marriage to make it the best it can be.
- The Act of Marriage by the LaHayes – This book is great for couples to both read and then talk about (and take with them!) on the honeymoon.
- The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex by Sheila Gregorie – This books is just for the brides. It’s great to read early in marriage and is worth rereading later. Sheila’s website is also very helpful and encouraging.
- Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler – I discovered this book in seminary when those of us getting married passed around an old copy. It really falls under that “what every woman needs to know about her body” category and it’s helpful when deciding on safe and effective methods of birth control (especially details on natural family planning).
- Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas – My husband takes couples through this book when he does premarital counseling. It helps you evaluate your expectations of marriage and each other, and to remind you marriage (and life in general) isn’t about you, but God.