Planning for a peace-filled holiday season with your family
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Planning for a peace-filled holiday season with your family

  When you think of the upcoming holidays, what words come to mind? Unfortunately for many of us, it’s likely words like stress, exhaustion, overspending, and family tension. But my prayer for this year is that we can get through Thanksgiving and Christmas with one word on our hearts—peace. Scripture talks about peace often. First,…

Two Steps to Take When You’re Worried about the Future
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Two Steps to Take When You’re Worried about the Future

  Over the summer, my side of the family went to Florida to celebrate my parents’ 45th wedding anniversary. My mom booked a photographer to take pictures of all of us. I prayed all day that it would go ok. I wasn’t asking for perfection—I was asking for good enough. Friends, it didn’t go well….

Special-Needs Parents Experience Additional Stress from Decision Fatigue
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Special-Needs Parents Experience Additional Stress from Decision Fatigue

  The average person makes 35,000 decisions a day. But special-needs parents make thousands more than the average, leading to the additional stress of decision fatigue. Our decision making begins as soon as we wake up. Do I hit snooze or jump out of bed? Do I try to take a shower before my son wakes…

Online Study of Unexpected Blessings with Special Guests

Online Study of Unexpected Blessings with Special Guests

  Starting Sept. 2nd, I’ll be leading an online study through Unexpected Blessings: The Joys and Possibilities of Life in a Special-Needs Family. And this time, I’ve invited five friends to join us! Unexpected Blessings guides special-needs parents through the five stages of special-needs parenting. So I’ve asked Becky Davidson, Laura Hernandez, Diane Dokko Kim, Jolene Philo, and Kim Albrecht…

Why Is Friendship Such a Challenge for Moms of Kids with Disabilities?
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Why Is Friendship Such a Challenge for Moms of Kids with Disabilities?

  After our son’s autism diagnosis, everything changed. Our priorities changed. How we spent our money changed. Our schedule changed. And although we weren’t prepared for it, our friendships changed. We were going through a season of grief and confusion, and we felt more isolated than ever. When we got through those early years after…