Gospel for Asia Works to Lower the Suicide Rate in India and You Can Help

The Associated Press reported a study carried out in a South Asian community from 1992-2001: The average suicide rate for women 10-19 years old was 148 per 100,000, while globally, the suicide rate is about 6.8 per 100,000. That’s over 21 times the global rate.  Among young to middle-age women in some regions of India, the suicide rate is 10 times…

Around the World Giveaway

February is the month for love! To celebrate, we’re spreading some love around the world with a giveaway for you! “Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14 You could win: Love Mercy Farmhouse Charcoal Tote from Mercy House Kenya Copy of the book, Operation World (it’s how we start each day)…