Here’s what’s happening around here as we kick off my favorite month, March!

Celebrating National Grammar Day over at Next Step Editing. In celebration you can download my PDF e-book, Beyond the Basics: 30 Tips for Better Writing, for free by using the code “freebook” at check out.

Hearing James (5 years old) say words and phrases he’s never said before. Lately he’s started looking at me and saying, “talk” when he wants my attention. We make eye contact and he talks or wants me to talk. It’s pretty cool.

Reading The Way I See It by Temple  Grandin after watching the movie about her life. Amazing. I’m so thankful for her openness so we can learn more about the autistic mind.

status update March - Impact -

Wondering what Lee has planned for my birthday on Sunday. My birthday is my favorite day of the whole year. (I’m the middle child. We take attention whenever we can get it and a birthday is the perfect opportunity.)

Waiting for my first box from Stitch Fix. You fill out lots of info on yourself and they shop for you. You try it on, send back what you don’t want, and pay for what you keep. I hate shopping so I’m hoping this helps.

Enjoying two Reese’s peanut butter eggs with a glass of whole milk for breakfast. And so thankful my Sunday school class has finished  Judges and started Ruth.

Praying specifically that the Tigray region of Ethiopia will open to adoption again. There are many kids who are paper-work ready but who are stuck because of the system. Praying God will open the region to adoption again. Praying for the children who continue to wait and the families who are waiting for them.

Loving the updates from David (7 years old) about what’s happening in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe as he listens to the audio book. Aslan has died, “and he just looked up and let it happen!” We watched the movie together yesterday and enjoyed it too.

Hoping this month we’ll have more sunshine than snow. Although, they are calling for eight inches or so tomorrow so we’ll see.

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