The Decision Fatigue We’ll Face as We Adjust to Life after the Pandemic // Ep. 026

The Decision Fatigue We’ll Face as We Adjust to Life after the Pandemic // Ep. 026

  We’re all reemerging at different speeds from a season of isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. But instead of feeling freedom and optimism, many of us are facing new challenges. One of those challenges is being overwhelmed by having choices again and then feeling judged for the choices we’ll be making for our families. If…

The Benefits of a Minimalist Wardrobe & a Monday Uniform // Ep. 013

The Benefits of a Minimalist Wardrobe & a Monday Uniform // Ep. 013

  This is episode 13 and we’re talking about cleaning out your closet so what’s left really works for you. Your overflowing closet isn’t giving you more options. It’s actually limiting you. Let’s transition to a minimalist wardrobe for maximum efficiency. I’m also sharing the big wardrobe decision I’ve made to decrease decision fatigue and what I’ve created…

How Decision Fatigue Leads to Caregiver Burnout and a Plan to Eliminate It //Ep. 006
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How Decision Fatigue Leads to Caregiver Burnout and a Plan to Eliminate It //Ep. 006

  Today’s topic is a big one—decision fatigue. Have you heard the phrase before? Whether it’s a new concept to you or one you’re very familiar with, I hope today’s episode makes your life as a caregiver easier. This month I’m going over 4 topics that I think are the most important for us. Last…

Special-Needs Parents Experience Additional Stress from Decision Fatigue
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Special-Needs Parents Experience Additional Stress from Decision Fatigue

  The average person makes 35,000 decisions a day. But special-needs parents make thousands more than the average, leading to the additional stress of decision fatigue. Our decision making begins as soon as we wake up. Do I hit snooze or jump out of bed? Do I try to take a shower before my son wakes…