How Many Children with Disabilities Should I Expect at a Church My Size?

The percentage of children in your community who will need accommodations to be comfortable and successful at your church is likely close to 20% of your total church attendance.

Creating ISPs (Individualized Spiritual Plans) for Every Student in Your Special-Needs Ministry

Our students’ ISPs and their bio sheets have been a huge help for our volunteers and teachers to get to know the kids and help them meet spiritual goals!

The Biggest Challenges Small Churches Face in Special-Needs Ministry:

We don’t have to have a plan in place for every person we can imagine walking through our doors. We just have to love and serve the ones who do. And churches of every size can do that.

Why the Home Group Model Is Hard for Special-Needs Families and How to Make It Easier

Many churches are moving away from the traditional Sunday school model and using home groups. But this way of “doing life together” can leave special-needs families isolated and alone.

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