I wasn’t having a good morning yesterday. I had gotten the boys off to school and needed to get to work, but I just felt so blah. So I gave myself ten minutes for self-care. But what could I do in ten minutes? I spent about five minutes deciding, and then did #2 on my list below.
Afterward I came in and made a list of ten self-care practices I could do next time I have ten minutes.
- Take a walk or do some stretches.
- Put your house plants outside for sunshine and water them.
- Light a candle or diffuse your favorite essential oil.
- Text five friends and encourage them. If you are feeling down, maybe they are too!
- Open your Bible to Philippians or read from a devotion book. I’m currently enjoying Nailed It: 365 Sarcastic Devotions for Angry or Worn-Out People (affiliate link).
- Plan a date night (a gift to your future self and your husband).
- Tidy up the area around you if that would help you feel organized and calmer.
- Drink some water (or another favorite beverage).
- Scan your library’s website and request a couple new books.
- Write in your journal.