Creating ISPs (Individualized Spiritual Plans!) for Students with Special Needs, Learning Disabilities, and Behavioral Diagnoses
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Creating ISPs (Individualized Spiritual Plans!) for Students with Special Needs, Learning Disabilities, and Behavioral Diagnoses

At our church, our special needs ministry’s goal is to communicate the gospel to every child in a way they understand and in an environment where they feel comfortable. Because every child is unique, we have developed ISPs for each one—individualized spiritual plans! Similar to what the students have at school under their IEPs, our ISPs…

A Check List for Caregiving Families Preparing for the Coronavirus

A Check List for Caregiving Families Preparing for the Coronavirus

  The world feels like a very different place than it did a week ago. And depending on where you live, you may be at different stages of planning for the coming weeks of social distancing, quarantining, or possible sickness (whether that’s actually the coronavirus or even a stomach bug that goes through your family)….

Planning for a peace-filled holiday season with your family
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Planning for a peace-filled holiday season with your family

  When you think of the upcoming holidays, what words come to mind? Unfortunately for many of us, it’s likely words like stress, exhaustion, overspending, and family tension. But my prayer for this year is that we can get through Thanksgiving and Christmas with one word on our hearts—peace. Scripture talks about peace often. First,…